Having a quiet, peaceful spot to sit and read, meditate, have a mindful conversation, or just re-connect with your heart is an important element of self care and empowering your life.
At my dreamy new little urban farm in L.A., I’ve created a healing garden, meditation area, and a cozy seating spot under a giant ash tree in corner of the property. The spot under the Ash tree is a place where I go just to sit and dream, be creative, and contemplate. It’s also the perfect spot to have a cold drink and enriching conversation.
You don’t need a big place to create your sacred space. Just a simple chair under a tree, quiet place in your home where you can sit and reflect (the bathroom even works for this in a pinch – light some candles and put some soft music on your smartphone).
One thing’s for sure – just stepping away from the places you spend the most time, such as your office, bedroom, living room, etc. and in itself create a small shift that can help you clear your thoughts and touch base with your inner-voice.
If you don’t already have one, how can you create a sacred space to enjoy? Do some brainstorming and identify your spot. You can add a few objects that inspire you. For example, I have carved statues and stones that represent healing energy in my healing garden. Then find a spot to sit, and you’re all set!
I’d love for you to share your sacred space ideas in the comment space below, or about spaces you’ve created.
Love, bliss, & happy summer! ~ Kristi