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Tips for Staying Aligned and Becoming Your Own Favorite Person

When I was younger I wasn’t able to depend on myself consistently. Hard to own, but it’s true. I was a people pleaser who put the priorities of others ahead of my own much of the time. I set goals and then abandon them. I regularly put my dreams and desires on the back burner. It wasn’t a good cycle…

When I let go of the fear of disappointing people and started prioritizing myself and my own needs (which definitely didn’t happen overnight), I created massive change in my life. It was like the sun finally came out. And, a funny thing happened…

Once I made this shift, I became better at being there for others in my life when I choose to. It became a bit easier to keep things in my life in alignment with what’s important to me. This is because I was now standing on a more solid foundation of self-love, wholeness, wellness, and happiness. This foundation also supports me when life gets “lifey” and temporarily rough.

I started small. Showing up and keeping little promises to myself like saying no more often or eating healthier. The momentum I created grew over time into an across the board dynamic life I love waking up to. Even when things are bumpy, I know I’ve got my own back.

Creating the life you desire and deserve is an ongoing effort for sure. And it really starts with showing up for YOU and being someone you can truly depend on with trust and confidence.

So, here’s a little challenge: Make one small promise to yourself today and follow through. Notice how it feels. Keep expanding that each day until you create what you desire. You’ll start to notice supportive new habits forming, along with a powerful foundation you can feel in your cells. 

It’s always okay to put yourself and your needs first. It’s actually essential. And you’re truly worth it.

Are you ready? You’ve got this. It’s time to be your own favorite person.



How to Feel Seen More Often – Free Video Class!

Hello my amazing Friend! I’m so glad you’re here! I really enjoyed putting this class together all about ways to feel seen (and heard!) more often, as well as how to see yourself more clearly. I felt this topic was so valuable, that I’ve decided to pull back the curtain on this special class (which would normally only be available inside my program The Joy School) and share it with the entire community.  

Feeling seen and heard are fundamental needs we all have as humans (and animals have these needs as well). Some of the biggest complaints I hear from people I work with is that there is an area in their life where they don’t feel seen, valued, or heard. 

What I reveal in this class is 3 great tips on how to feel more seen and heard in your life and your relationships, as well as a simple but amazing way to get to know and understand yourself a bit better! 

I truly believe this class alone will leave you feeling more seen. I hope you enjoy and thanks so much for spending some time with me! The doors to The Joy School are currently closed, but you can jump on the V.I.P. waitlist here to receive an invite when they open again. Be sure to drop me a comment or a message on Instagram and let me know what you thought of this workshop. There’s more where this came from.  

Much Love (and I see you!),

xo Kristi

Read more about tulips, dandelions, and orchids in this article from Highly Sensitive Refuge here

3 Tips for Hacking Happiness and Health

Are you ready to unlock a happier, healthier, and longer life? I know I am! In just the last few years, there’s been an avalanche of new science and understanding around how we can expand our happiness, health, energy, and longevity through connecting certain dots with the workings of our own biology, and through incredible advances happening in the medical world.

It may sound fancy, but it’s actually just about the practice and mindset of tapping into science-based lifestyle shifts, habits, and technology to optimize your body and mind for feeling great physically and emotionally, having more abundant energy, and even increasing your chances of living to 100 and beyond.

My great grandmother Clara lived to be 110 if you can believe it! At the time she passed, she was one of the oldest people on the planet. She was vibrant, sharp, and enjoyed her life until her very last days. How remarkable!

As a young girl, I remember being fascinated by her wellness habits and self-care, some of which seemed a bit extreme at the time (she prioritized protein, vegetables, walking, and sleep, took supplements, and…ate bone meal like it was oatmeal almost every day). You might even call her one of the OG Biohackers before the term was created. Clearly, she was doing something right. She inspired in me a lifelong interest in wellness and longevity. I intend to honor her by living at least as long and as well as she did.

Advances in health technologies and the biohacking movement have become incredibly captivating to me this past couple of years, starting after a couple of scary health issues that left me looking for answers on how to take even greater control of my total well-being. I dove in and began to study everything I could get my hands on. What I’ve learned has left me inspired, full of new energy, and excited to share with you some of what I’ve applied to my own life, and how you can use some of the concepts to increase your happiness and total well-being too.     

Here’s what I love the most about what’s available to us: you don’t need a fancy lab or expensive equipment to get started. A few simple habits, a bit of homework, and a few investments in yourself so you can gather some valuable information are all you need to get started in being the true CEO of your health and happiness (YOU are always your own best investment).

While this topic could actually be an entire book (and there are a few good ones already), I wanted to give you three accessible places to start if you’re interested in next-level taking charge of your own happiness and wellness journey.

1) Learn about the basics of Biohacking and see what might be a fit for you.

Entrepreneur and author Dave Asprey is credited for sparking the global movement of biohacking that’s quickly gaining popularity. It’s really about taking time to understand your own personal biology and relevant elements of human biology so you can create doable habits and practices that support you in feeling your best, being as healthy as you can be, and maybe even extending your healthy years.

Some of these concepts can be fairly simple. Just as you’d optimize a company’s performance by fine-tuning its processes, biohackers optimize their bodies and minds for maximum efficiency, energy, well-being, and yes, happiness. This can involve anything from customizing your habits, diet, and exercise routines to align with your goals to taking high-quality, science-backed supplements that make sense for you.

It may also be trying cutting-edge technologies, such as the incredible Galleri test, a simple blood test that can screen for over 50 types of cancer, some that have always been hard to detect. Insurance doesn’t cover it yet (way behind the times), but I believe it’s worth the investment. Early detection is power.  

You can read more about basics of biohacking in Forbes here.

2) Connect the dots between happiness and your biology.

More than ever before, science is understanding the direct connections between our biological well-being and our mental well-being. They really are one and the same. When you learn the science behind how gut health, sleep, exercise, caring for your brain and nervous system, and what you consume can significantly boost your overall happiness and energy (in addition to your health and longevity), you’ll never go back. 

I’ve given up added sugars, focus on healthy proteins and plenty of science-backed superfoods (lots of organic nuts and blueberries), do breath work regularly, take supplement customized for me, and have stepped up my exercise efforts. And, I feel better and more energetic than I have in over a decade. 

I encourage you to dive in and do a bit of research, and to make an appointment to talk to your doctor about your goals and annual health screenings. Blood work can be helpful in determining which supplements and even foods might be helpful to you (for example, it’s said that up to 35% of adults in the U.S. are low in vitamin D, which can cause all kinds of issues). Then, create a plan for yourself that feels good. You can expand and tweak as you learn and as you discover what really works for you. Many times, you’ll feel results quickly and can pinpoint what produced them. I was shocked at what a quality B-complex supplement did for my energy levels and clarity of mind.

3) Start right now.

There’s no time like the present, especially when it comes to leveling up your health and quality of life. I challenge you to take a few minutes, do a little research, and definitively commit to start some new habits today that will add to your life.

You probably already know of several – the key is to actually put them into consistent action. How can you improve your sleep (especially key for brain health)? Have you made an appointment for your annual cancer screenings and physical? What’s a small extra bit of exercise you could work into your everyday (bonus points if it involves weights)? Can you gift yourself a few minutes each morning to do some needed stretching and go outside for a few minutes to get some natural light and connect with nature (excellent for your brain, nervous system, mental health, and your circadian rhythm)?

Science is showing us that it is actually possible to “hack” our way to more health, happiness, and good quality years. And, that happiness and feeling good is not just about mindset (although that is a very important part), it’s also more about biology and habits than we’ve ever thought before. Yes, some of it we’ve always known (diet, exercise, etc.), but this is absolutely next-level stuff.

I invite you to tap into all the magic that’s available to us! It’s an exciting time for sure.  Incredible new knowledge and technology is here, with more on the way. It’s all about specific, targeted things that support our various biological systems to create a harmonious festival of more happiness, better health, and even greater longevity. Cheers to that!

3 Ways to Spring Clean Your Spirit

We all need a reset now and then, and the energy of springtime is the perfect time to really examine what’s going on inside you and around you so you can refresh and make much needed changes.

It’s all about looking to see where you can eliminate obstacles and energy drains, identifying and letting go of things that are no longer serving you, and creating space in your mind and heart for new growth, creativity, and flow.

When you work with intention to align things in your life with your true values and desired feelings, everything is so much easier to manage. And, life expands with more light, joy, and great energy.

When it comes to spring cleaning your sprit (love this concept) and getting things aligned, it’s important to remember that many times the quality of our life depends more on what we remove from our life than what we add to it. Letting go of things that are draining or holding us back (and getting out of our own way) is a process, but when you focus on the desired result and how you’ll feel, it becomes so much easier and even exciting.

To get you started, here are 3 ways you can begin clearing space and help get your world into alignment with the life you’re working to create. Ready to Spring Clean Your Spirit?


Create a List of What You Value Most in Your Life

One of the biggest keys to your highest quality life is learning to mindfully create your days with intention, rather than just going through the days without much purpose and leaving everything up to chance.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the “to dos” and other people’s needs that we forget to focus on the things that are most important to us and align our actions and surroundings accordingly.

One way to get back on track with this is to take time to reflect and create a written list of the things you value the most right now in your life. Really think about what’s important to you. It may be being surrounded by nature and beauty, leveling up your health and wellbeing, putting more time into relationships that feel good and supportive, or creating room for more free time and breathing room in your life.

What are your top priorities? What aligns with how you want to feel? What feels true to you? Try to come up with 5 to 10 things that are really calling you at this time. The clarity that comes from this is so energizing!

Let Go to Create Space

Once you have the above list created it becomes much easier to identify what’s not in alignment with what you truly value in your life right now. Take an in-depth look at your routines, your spaces, your mindsets, your relationships, and your habits.

Let your inner-voice speak to you. What’s serving you? What feels great? What needs to go? Be willing to distance yourself or let go of the things that are weighing you down, don’t feel good, or that you know in your heart are out of alignment. De-clutter physically and emotionally. While you’re at it, take some time to breathe, connect with nature, and dream.

This is not always easy, but it’s so worth it. You deserve a life that feels great and is in alignment with your values, goals, and dreams.

Re-Think What You’re Consuming

This is so important. Everything you consume, from the food you eat to all types of media to the things you put on your body can affect you on multiple levels emotionally, physically, and energetically. Negative consequences can happen slowly, compounding and weighing us down, affecting our mental and physical health.

Re-evaluate everything you’re consuming through the lens created by aligning with your values and desires. How can you reduce or eliminate toxins and drains in your life?

Take a look at your personal care products, the foods you’re eating regularly, the TV you watch, your social media feeds, the people you’re spending time with, and even the cleaning products you’re using in your home. What might be draining your energy, exposing you to harm, or holding you back from feeling great? What’s no longer a match for what’s important to you? What needs to go or be swapped out?


This process isn’t just for springtime. It’s an empowering practice to take some time to go through all this a few times a year, each season, or whenever you feel called. The more you tune in, the more your life will remain in alignment and grow with you. Spring cleaning your spirit is about choosing YOU, feeling great, and creating the dynamic life you desire and deserve. The difference is tremendous. Ready to make it happen?

Love & alignment,


BOOK PICK: All It Takes is One

My incredibly wise and inspiring friend Ray Doktor has written a brand new book that’s packed full of great insights and powerful guidance on how to step into the best (happiest!) version of you.

All It Takes is One: How to Drop Your One BIG Hidden Belief & Master Your Life is a magical book that helps you find out what’s stopping you from being your happiest self and shows you how to shift it!

Why am I so excited about this book? Because it teaches us that being happy is something we can all do – so it’s very aligned with much of what I teach in all my programs. Ray’s book is like a treasure map that can lead you to creating fantastic shifts! 🗺️✨

In the book, Ray shows us how sometimes we believe things that aren’t helpful to us at all – and may even be holding us back. He shows us how to identify that one big thing we believe that may be keeping us stuck. Then, he helps guide us let it go – so we can smile, laugh, move forward, and enjoy life more!

All It Takes Is One will be the summer Book Club Pick in my program The Joy School, and featured on an upcoming episode of my podcast. You can get a head start by grabbing your copy on Amazon

I invite you to join me in taking in this soulful adventure of a book! I can’t wait to hear what you think and how it helps you create goodness in your life. I’d love it if you’d drop me a note on Instagram and share your thoughts (I love hearing from you!). Enjoy! 

A Powerful Way to Step-Up Your Life: Self-Care for Your Future Self

It’s so easy to get caught up in where we are now that we don’t consider or connect with the version of ourselves that lives tomorrow, next year, or even in the next decade. I can say from experience that learning to include consideration and care for our future selves in our habits and routines now can have a powerful impact on the direction our life takes and the way we’ll experience it. And, connecting with your wise future self now can enhance your life with a great new friendship!

Creating the habit of taking proactive steps in the present to care for the future version of you is a powerful concept for creating a life filled with wellness, happiness, and greater success. When you start taking care of the future you, in both small ways and big ways, you’ll find yourself frequently thanking your past self for all the care and favors, and noticing an overall difference in the quality of your life. It can be something as small as changing your sheets before you leave on a trip so the tired, traveled out version of you comes home to clean sheets (one of life’s nicest small pleasures). Or, as important as stepping up how much you’re saving for retirement so the future you can live well (compound interest is a magical form of abundance).

How to be a BFF to your future self:

  1. Consider Your Future Wellbeing by Stepping Things up by 10%: While many of us try to eat clean overall, get some exercise, and look be generally conscious about avoiding toxins in products we use and have in our surroundings, taking these things to the next level can significantly increase our quality of life in the future and even help prevent disease. While we may not notice a huge difference now from further cutting out sugar, alcohol, toxic ingredients, or working out a little more, the long-term benefits of just a little extra effort can be huge. Try harnessing this power by stepping up all your self-care efforts by 10% (or more!). Really thinking with love about your future self and how great that version of you will feel, makes it easy to begin considering that person in all you do. It’s great inspiration!

  2. Ensuring a Happier Future You: By aligning your present actions and choices with your future goals and values, you can create an enhanced sense of purpose and direction in your life. Take some time on a regular basis to connect mindfully with the future you for guidance. Ask them what they’d love to experience or feel and take steps now to set it up. You can even ask that wiser, more experienced version of you for advice – you can actually receive some great insights from connecting in this way. What would your future self tell you about your current situation? What are they thanking you for?

  3. Live in Greater Abundance: I mentioned above stepping up retirement investing. Compound interest and long term investing can be an incredibly powerful way to multiply money. Small amounts invested now can grow significantly over time. I can’t say enough how much your future self will thank you for making a few easy cuts now in order to increase your retirement investing. And, it’s never too late! The S&P 500 has an average rate of return of 10.22% over the last 30 years. This means a $500 monthly investment could put an extra 100K in your pocket in just 10 years!

    I personally like a self-directed retirement account that aligns with the S&P 500 (self-directed saves a ton on fees). I opened mine with Fidelity and set up an automatic deduction each month so I don’t even have to think about it. Their customer service on the phone helped me get it done correctly. It’s so fun to watch it grow over time. I know the future me will thank the now me when she buys that cabin in the mountains! Talk to a professional to see what might be a fit for you (but definitely do your homework and watch out for high fees). I also recommend checking out Tony Robbins’ book, MONEY: Master the Game. Then set it and forget it!

As a present-day bonus to all this, knowing now that we’re actively working towards caring for our amazing future self can boost our mood, increase our resilience in the face of challenges, and enhance our overall sense of happiness, security, and fulfillment. The benefits are endless.

Taking incredible care of the future you is a huge act of self-love and empowerment.

It really is an important and overlooked part of self-care. By considering the needs and desires of that version of you and taking proactive steps today to care for them, plus tapping into the wisdom that version of you has to offer you now, you’ll be creating a life filled with more wellness, happiness, and greater success. Ready? Let’s go!


About Kristi

Kristi is a bestselling author, coach, inspirational speaker, and podcast host helping people to live happier, more dynamic lives… [READ MORE]

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