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How to De-Stress and Avoid the Lack Trap

de-stress during the holiday seasonHappy sweet fall to you! This is my absolute favorite time of year! The weather is amazing, everything feels a bit cozier (don’t you think??), and the holidays are around the corner. It’s also the time of year when our schedules can tend to get a bit hectic with travel, events, and projects begging to be finished before the end of the year.

Speaking of projects to finish by the end of the year, here’s a story you might be able to relate to. Ever catch yourself completely stressed out about something, and then have a light bulb moment and laugh at yourself when you realize how unnecessary the stressful tripping is? Even silly? Well, I’m in the middle of a kitchen remodel. Not a big fan of the dust and chaos, but soooo excited for my awesome new space to create beautiful, healthy food!

Our kitchen remodel has been a long time coming, but I am so happy to finally start seeing everything coming together.

I recently had a major wake-up moment and a good laugh at myself when I realized a specific trap I fell into, and how easy it was for me to instantly change my entire outlook and experience in my current situation with one powerful but simple realization. I love those shifts!

I’d been feeling a bit stressed out about the whole kitchen thing. In fact, I’ve been stressed out quite a lot recently! I know having work done in the house can be stressful but I didn’t expect it to be this bad! Other than the expected chaos of sink deliveries, pending construction, and appliance shopping, I was feeling stressed out about going over budget and all the extra expenses that had been piling up (you know how the old saying about home stuff goes… everything takes twice as long and costs twice as much as you plan… LOL). I was driving home from shopping for faucets when it hit me – I’d fallen into the lack trap!

What’s the lack trap? Basically, it’s allowing yourself to fall into a mindset of lack or “not enough” in any given situation – whether it’s financially or on any other level. When I realized I was viewing the entire project from a place of lack, instead of a place of abundance and light, I realized that was exactly why I seemed to be attracting more lack! Ding! I completely cracked myself up at how silly it was, and I immediately felt less stressed and more peaceful about the entire project. Peaceful about a kitchen remodel? Yes – it’s possible!

What we focus on expands, and the energy we put out attracts the same energy in return. I wasn’t doing myself any service by focusing on the mounting expenses and falling into the mindset of not enough. Yes, it’s absolutely important to be mindful about spending and creating a realistic budget, but it’s also important to have the confidence that even if unexpected things pop up (and they usually do), that there’s always a way to work it out.

The Universe is looking out for you, and when you shift your focus and mindset to abundance and expansion, you support the Universe in sending more goodness your way.

So, that’s my big tip for you this fall and holiday season… approach all you do (family gatherings, holiday shopping, decorating your home, your self care, etc.) with a mindset of abundance and having enough. Allow yourself the inner-knowing that even when challenges come your way, there is always a way to work things out (even if it’s not the exact way you might first envision). This is a great way to de-stress and create more inner-peace.

Here are two more of my favorite ways to reduce stress & more fully enjoy life when things get busy:

1) No matter what you’ve got on your plate, make your self-care a top priority. It’s easy to neglect your own needs when things get busy, but we must take care of ourselves in order to show up in our full awesomeness for those who are important to us. Schedule time for the gym, a massage, a bath, or even a few minutes each morning for a quiet cup of tea. This will support you in joyfully gliding through all you’ve got on your calendar.

2) Speaking of calendars, I am very guarded with my calendar. It’s easy to let our schedule get to full to live fully, and this is a major energy and joy sucker. If I don’t schedule myself regular quiet evenings at home, free time to be creative, and time to just chill out, I see the results showing up everywhere in my life. Also, I am careful about what I say yes to. If it’s not “Hell yes!” it’s a “Hell no!” Funny how this strategy works – you soon will find your calendar full of 98% hell yeses, which is an awesome way to live!

Much love & remember to play in the leaves,

xo Kristi

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Kristi Ling Spencer

Kristi Ling is a happiness strategist, internationally known life and business coach, bestselling author, and inspirational speaker who works with individuals and organizations on building a firm foundation for lasting happiness and success. She has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Oprah Daily, Woman’s Day, Oxygen, Entrepreneur, Mashable, Reader’s Digest, and Women’s Health. Her popular TEDx Talk on The Power of Re-Thinking Happiness has been shared across social media, and she has appeared as a keynote speaker for major companies and events. Her bestselling book, Operation Happiness – The 3-Step Plan to Creating a Life of Lasting Joy, Abundant Energy, and Radical Bliss was chosen by Success Magazine as one of the best books to make you successful. It’s available now wherever books and audiobooks are sold.

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