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Embracing Your Creative Inner Wild Child

photoWhen I want to expand my creative mind to help me put the finishing touches on projects I’m working on, get ready for a speaking event, or bust through blocks when I’m writing, I break out colored pencils, paint, and other random art supplies and just set my creative inner wild child free!

Sometimes when we’re feeling a little meh, or out of touch with spirit, art – or any kind of free creative expression – can be an amazing way to re-connect with our soul and unleash ideas and passions that were stuck in the mud for a bit.

You don’t need to go out and by fancy art supplies or paint like Picasso.  Just grab whatever’s around – crayons, pens, sticky notes…  and let your inner-being guide you.  You can also grab a pen and pad of paper and create fun lists, like “Stuff that inspires me in epic ways” or “10 things I want to do this month that are outside of my comfort zone.”

Just the act of doing something different and giving your inner wild child a chance to speak to you is a fantabulous way to tap back into your light!  You can also do something physical – a new kind of Yoga class, a trail run, or just dance around your living room (one of my faves).

I’ll be spending some time this weekend making art and creative lists!  I’m getting ready to start edits on my new book next week, and I’m feeling like this practice will be a great way to prepare myself to rock those pages like a creative goddess!

What do you like to do to tap into your creative side and embrace your inner wild child?  Time for some FUN… one of life’s vital nutrients!  xoxo

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Kristi Ling Spencer

Kristi Ling is a happiness strategist, internationally known life and business coach, bestselling author, and inspirational speaker who works with individuals and organizations on building a firm foundation for lasting happiness and success. She has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Oprah Daily, Woman’s Day, Oxygen, Entrepreneur, Mashable, Reader’s Digest, and Women’s Health. Her popular TEDx Talk on The Power of Re-Thinking Happiness has been shared across social media, and she has appeared as a keynote speaker for major companies and events. Her bestselling book, Operation Happiness – The 3-Step Plan to Creating a Life of Lasting Joy, Abundant Energy, and Radical Bliss was chosen by Success Magazine as one of the best books to make you successful. It’s available now wherever books and audiobooks are sold.

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