When I was younger I wasn’t able to depend on myself consistently. Hard to own, but it’s true. I was a people pleaser who put the priorities of others ahead of my own much of the time. I set goals and then abandon them. I regularly put my dreams and desires on the back burner. It wasn’t a good cycle…
When I let go of the fear of disappointing people and started prioritizing myself and my own needs (which definitely didn’t happen overnight), I created massive change in my life. It was like the sun finally came out. And, a funny thing happened…
Once I made this shift, I became better at being there for others in my life when I choose to. It became a bit easier to keep things in my life in alignment with what’s important to me. This is because I was now standing on a more solid foundation of self-love, wholeness, wellness, and happiness. This foundation also supports me when life gets “lifey” and temporarily rough.
I started small. Showing up and keeping little promises to myself like saying no more often or eating healthier. The momentum I created grew over time into an across the board dynamic life I love waking up to. Even when things are bumpy, I know I’ve got my own back.
Creating the life you desire and deserve is an ongoing effort for sure. And it really starts with showing up for YOU and being someone you can truly depend on with trust and confidence.
So, here’s a little challenge: Make one small promise to yourself today and follow through. Notice how it feels. Keep expanding that each day until you create what you desire. You’ll start to notice supportive new habits forming, along with a powerful foundation you can feel in your cells.
It’s always okay to put yourself and your needs first. It’s actually essential. And you’re truly worth it.
Are you ready? You’ve got this. It’s time to be your own favorite person.